Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Jessica & Jason's HypnoBirthing Story

Jessica and her husband took Carol’s classes on Thursday evenings at Seaside Women’s Health in Encinitas, North County San Diego.  Here is their daughter’s birth story:
I started having sporadic surges on the afternoon of December 12.  A few hours later, I had my bloody show, and I knew Angelica was coming soon.  I starting crying out of excitement as my surges started to come more frequently.  By 3 AM the next morning, my surges were coming between four and seven minutes apart.  I called my doula and she told me not to focus on timing the surges at this point, but to try and sleep in between them as much as possible.  I tried to do so, but they were so intense and were way more uncomfortable than I had anticipated.  I thought I must be close!  There was no way I could sleep.  I decided to go to the hospital and call the doula back when we got there.  When we got to UCSD, I was only 3 CM dilated.  The midwife told me I could stay at the hospital and walk around for a couple hours or I could go home.  We decided to go home and our doula came right over.  By around 11 AM my surges seemed to be coming on top of each other and I couldn’t help but push.  Our doula said it was time to go!  When we got back to the hospital, I was 7 CM.  I couldn’t help but push at this point with each surge, and my water broke during one of the surges.  A few hours later I was totally complete and Angelica was ready to be born. The birthing tub had just finished being filled up, so Jason and I got in, and I did most of the pushing in the tub.  I had to get out as she was crowning (UCSD doesn’t allow water births yet), and delivered her at 4:56 PM December 13 on the comfy queen size bed in our room!  I was totally in shock as they put her on my chest.  She was so beautiful... and huge!  My placenta was delivered within minutes.  Angelica started breastfeeding pretty much right away and laid on my chest for maybe an hour.  When the nurses weighed and measured her, we learned that she was 9 pounds, 4 ounces and 21.5 inches long!  And I didn‘t tear!!!! 
The whole process was unbelievable.  It was way more intense than I had anticipated, but it was totally doable.  I would definitely do it again.  I wasn’t silent the whole time like the videos we watched in class, but I was definitely calm and relaxed.  I think being so exhausted from not being able to sleep helped to keep me very relaxed and “in the zone.” We had the birthing affirmations and the rainbow relaxation CD playing the whole time.  The doula and Jason were awesome at reminding me to relax during each surge, keeping me hydrated, rubbing my back, and being supportive.  I tried to eat a little in between surges, but wasn’t really able to.  By the time I was hungry, the surges were pretty much on top of each other.  Right after I delivered, however, we ordered pizza for everyone, and I ate a ton!  The whole staff at the UCSD Birth Center was great.  I think I will submit our birthing video after we edit it.  The only part of the process I didn’t feel prepared for was how much you bleed afterwards.  I was kind of freaked out and called my midwife to make sure everything was ok.  But it was!
Angelica has been such a great baby.  She has been really calm and barely cries.  I can’t wait to have my next HypnoBirth!  Thank you Carol!!


Thanks so much for sharing your story, Jessica! I am so thankful to hear that the HypnoBirthing techniques were so helpful and that you got the beautiful birth you were desiring. I hope you both are continuing to enjoy this beautiful time with Angelica!

Contact information for Jessica’s doula, Laura Smith Ramirez: 619.247.3765

For more information on UCSD Medical Center as well as the accompanying Birth Center:

If you are interested in taking HypnoBirthing classes in the San Diego area, please feel free to contact Carol for class schedules and more information at: A Well Lived Life. If her schedule does not work with yours, she would love to refer you to other local instructors as well. If you aren’t in the San Diego area but are still interested in utilizing all that HypnoBirthing has to offer, check out The HypnoBirthing Institute and find a Local Practitioner for you!

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