Monday, June 21, 2010

A HypnoBirthing baby #2 for Sarah & Troy

Sarah & Troy took my HypnoBirthing classes for baby #1 in May 2008. She had her baby at UCSD Birth Center & had a wonderful HypnoBirth. You can listen to her 1st birth experience at

Sarah contacted me a few months back to arrange for a private refresher class in preparation for baby #2. She & Troy came to my office in May for a 1 1/2 hour session. We talked about the fears & concerns they had about birth & becoming parents & reviewed key points about HypnoBirthing to help Sarah feel confident about what techniques to use & how to use them during her 2nd birth experience. Then I did a hypnosis session with them--a fear release & a birth rehearsal imagery. They left feeling really relaxed, excited & confidnet about their upcoming birth experience.

Here is their birth story:

Crash! Boom! BAM!

My labor started Saturday night at straight-up Midnight. It was pre-labor so it was random in both time and intensity, so I just stayed quietly in bed and thought about millions of things. I carbo-loaded and hydrated all Saturday like I was getting ready to run the 2010 Rock-n-Roll Marathon. I packed the remaining items in my hospital bag and walked the dog. I spent as much time as I could Saturday meditating, listening to my HypnoBirthing CD and relaxing.

By late afternoon I knew Saturday was not the day of my baby’s birthday. However, when I woke on Sunday I knew that birth was sooner than later, because I called Alma (my Mother’s Helper) in the morning for her to watch Miss Riley that day. The pre-labor continued with the surges/contractions gradually increasing in strength. Timing was still random, but even with eating a ton of carbs and drinking more Smart Water than all the marathoners combined, the surges/contractions strengthened.

We went to the grocery store late in the afternoon and it was all I could do to make it through the store or even to the front doors. I went to bed around 8:00pm to meditate and listen to my HypnoBirthing CD. Troy laid down with me and I was squeezing his hand when the contractions started and stopped. From there, I lost track of time. Alma was called to watch Miss Riley for the night and Kayti (Kayti Ricker my bad-ass doula) was called to come and assist us with the birth.

Kayti arrived around 11-11:30ish pm and she got me out of bed to finish the deed! I lunged, yes, the workout routine move, around the house until I could do no more. After the lunges, we just walked until I could not walk anymore. I kept eating and drinking until I could do no more. Then it was time to head to UCSD Birth Center and we left the house around 2:45ish am. At 3:10am I was checked in at 6cm, fully effaced, -1 station and at 4:00am Colby Cash was born.

My labor was beautiful! Troy was my king and was so perfect. Kayti was awesome and without her, there is no way I could have had such a great labor. It was a perfect HypnoBirthing experience. Full on relaxation, meditation and assisting my little Colby during labor.

Now this is where the story takes a twist in the wrong direction. Colby hit the tile floor because I shot him out like a rocket. No pushing whatsoever! In 55 minutes from the time the midwife checked me Colby was on the floor. There was no midwife or nurse in the room to catch him. Kayti tried her best to catch the slippery fella but was not in the right position. She did break his fall, thank goodness. I was standing at the side of the bed…remember I was doing my best to dance him out. To describe it better, I was doing a modified downward dog at the side of the bed since my hands were on the bed and my feet were on the floor.

From the floor, he went to have a CAT scan of his head due to the bump and precautions. All Monday, we were in the NICU for observation and everything turned out wonderful. Colby is healthy baby boy and can take a licking with the best of them. Even the best plans and preparations along with the best labor cannot predict birth.

I used deep relaxation, breathing, meditation and the power of positive thinking to help me have my amazing birth experience. Thank you, Carol, for teaching me HypnoBirthing.

Wow! I've heard of babies sliding out quickly without minimal (or any) pushing, but never shooting out! Congratulations Sarah & Troy & big sister, Riley! Enjoy your babymoon & thanks so much for sharing your birth story!

For more information about Kayti Ricker, local San Diego doula, please contact her via her website at

For more information about HypnoBirthing classes in San Diego, please contact Carol Yeh-Garner via her website at www.AWellLivedLife.Net or call her at 858-837-1259. It is recommended that you take HypnoBirthing classes sometime between your 5th & 7th month of pregnancy. Carol has openings in her upcoming July & August class series held at Babies by the Sea Boutique & Indigo Dragon Health & Wellness Center. Please contact her for more information.

If you are outside San Diego & would like more information about HypnoBirthing, please visit to find a practitioner in your area.


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