Trisha and Hugh came to see Carol for a private HypnoBirthing refresher class to prepare for baby #2. They had taken a HypnoBirthing class for baby #1 but Trisha had some issues with her first birth that she wanted to let go of and she wanted to review the techniques to be better prepared. When things got closer to their guess date, they decided to come for a full class series and came to Carol’s Thursday night classes at Seaside Women’s Health in Encinitas, North County San Diego, in April 2011. They also changed care providers in the later part of their pregnancy. They had thought about a birth center but ultimately chose to go with Dr. Biter and Dr. Cobb at Pomerado Hospital. Here is their story:
Baby Hugh Patrick was born June 1st 2011 at 23.50,8 Ibs 14oz ( one week overdue.) I was getting concerned not to go far past my guess date as I had been told my baby was going to be 9Ibs by May 25th. I decided to try acupuncture May 30th to induce labour.(They say it takes approx 2-3 days to work) On Wednesday 1st June at 9 am I still had no real indications of anything happening so I decided to go back to Indigo Dragon for a labour inducing massage. After this I went to Moonlight beach to relax and I did the balloon trip script. I also listened to the HyponoBirthing cd. I had an appointment with Dr Biter at 1.30. I asked if he could sweep my membranes. On examination he informed me that I was 7cm dilated!! He said "Wow, you truly are HyponoBirthing!" My abdomen was moving in the shape of a surge, we could literally see it when Dr Biter pointed it out! My adorable baby Paddy had always been a big mover inside so I really thought this was all it was. I couldn't believe I didn't know I was so dilated. However on reflection the day previously I had some cramping/constipation episode in the bathroom. I remember taking Rescue Remedy in an attempt to relax and lying on the floor!??
On the way to the hospital I tried to time the surges but there was no pattern and I still did not feel any discomfort at all. When I got to Pomerado,(3pm) I think the staff were skeptical that I was in labour because I walked in casually and asked if I could eat as we had skipped food to get to there ASAP! I got into the tub straight away, continued with my CDs and chatted with my husband. I was examined by one of the nurses on arrival and was still 7cm. Some regularity to my surges came, especially when I laid on the bed but nothing really consistent was happening. I sat on the birth ball listening to the Relaxation CD again, walked the corridors, my husband did the light touch massage etc.. still nothing by 6pm. At 8pm Dr Cobb examined me and I was 8cm. My baby was not aligning correctly over the cervix which was preventing progress. I believe mine was called an anterior lip, so when the head is not symmetrically applied, there is unequal pressure of the dilating forces. The nursing staff were very helpful and accepting of my desire for natural birth and explained everything about this unexpected position. I trusted them as they seemed to know all about it and didn't recommend any special position that would help. I wore a corset to try and align baby over my cervix but to no avail. Dr Cobb came back in at 10.30 and suggested to have my waters broken as this is known to correct the problem. I was a little nervous of this as I know this tends to make surges more uncomfortable but I was ready to have my baby and readily agreed!
The surges indeed became more intense and I tried my best to do the HypnoBirthing breathing with each one- which was helpful. I was on my back on the bed for the rest of the birth. When I felt the urge to push, Dr Cobb guided me when to push and for how long which I also found
helpful. I was hoping to attempt to breath my baby down in true HyponoBirthing form but the urge to push was too strong. My beautiful blue eyed boy was delivered and placed onto my bare chest. I was so happy I could not stop shaking. My husband wrapped himself around me and our son to warm us up and that sacred memory warms me still as I write this.
Baby Hugh Patrick was born June 1st 2011 at 23.50,8 Ibs 14oz ( one week overdue.) I was getting concerned not to go far past my guess date as I had been told my baby was going to be 9Ibs by May 25th. I decided to try acupuncture May 30th to induce labour.(They say it takes approx 2-3 days to work) On Wednesday 1st June at 9 am I still had no real indications of anything happening so I decided to go back to Indigo Dragon for a labour inducing massage. After this I went to Moonlight beach to relax and I did the balloon trip script. I also listened to the HyponoBirthing cd. I had an appointment with Dr Biter at 1.30. I asked if he could sweep my membranes. On examination he informed me that I was 7cm dilated!! He said "Wow, you truly are HyponoBirthing!" My abdomen was moving in the shape of a surge, we could literally see it when Dr Biter pointed it out! My adorable baby Paddy had always been a big mover inside so I really thought this was all it was. I couldn't believe I didn't know I was so dilated. However on reflection the day previously I had some cramping/constipation episode in the bathroom. I remember taking Rescue Remedy in an attempt to relax and lying on the floor!??
On the way to the hospital I tried to time the surges but there was no pattern and I still did not feel any discomfort at all. When I got to Pomerado,(3pm) I think the staff were skeptical that I was in labour because I walked in casually and asked if I could eat as we had skipped food to get to there ASAP! I got into the tub straight away, continued with my CDs and chatted with my husband. I was examined by one of the nurses on arrival and was still 7cm. Some regularity to my surges came, especially when I laid on the bed but nothing really consistent was happening. I sat on the birth ball listening to the Relaxation CD again, walked the corridors, my husband did the light touch massage etc.. still nothing by 6pm. At 8pm Dr Cobb examined me and I was 8cm. My baby was not aligning correctly over the cervix which was preventing progress. I believe mine was called an anterior lip, so when the head is not symmetrically applied, there is unequal pressure of the dilating forces. The nursing staff were very helpful and accepting of my desire for natural birth and explained everything about this unexpected position. I trusted them as they seemed to know all about it and didn't recommend any special position that would help. I wore a corset to try and align baby over my cervix but to no avail. Dr Cobb came back in at 10.30 and suggested to have my waters broken as this is known to correct the problem. I was a little nervous of this as I know this tends to make surges more uncomfortable but I was ready to have my baby and readily agreed!
The surges indeed became more intense and I tried my best to do the HypnoBirthing breathing with each one- which was helpful. I was on my back on the bed for the rest of the birth. When I felt the urge to push, Dr Cobb guided me when to push and for how long which I also found
helpful. I was hoping to attempt to breath my baby down in true HyponoBirthing form but the urge to push was too strong. My beautiful blue eyed boy was delivered and placed onto my bare chest. I was so happy I could not stop shaking. My husband wrapped himself around me and our son to warm us up and that sacred memory warms me still as I write this.
Thank you so much Carol for all your help, insight and extensive knowledge that helped myself and my husband have the great birth. The classes we took with you back in April/May seem so long ago now but it was a treasured time that we got to spend together and made date night out of it! (Our 5 year old daughter is totally crazy about her little brother).
Thank you for all the referrals, especially Dr Cobb and Dr Biter. They added to the beautiful memories of that most precious time. Thank you for referring to Ashley and all the staff at Indigo Dragon. Everything I went to them for they solved!! I had a breech position into the 34th week which corrected with acupuncture, I had a labour inducing massage the day I gave birth and I got increased milk supply from there for post birth recovery treatment!
My biggest concern when I first went to you was tearing, which had happened on the birth of my daughter, you helped me overcome this and I used vision boards, positive affirmations etc to achieve this as you suggested.
Dr Cobb did a great job too during the birth of massaging the perineum with what seemed like buckets of oil.!! My other goal was to try and breath my baby down, but under the circumstances of the misalignment, I don't think it was realistic at that point for me.
Thank you for all the referrals, especially Dr Cobb and Dr Biter. They added to the beautiful memories of that most precious time. Thank you for referring to Ashley and all the staff at Indigo Dragon. Everything I went to them for they solved!! I had a breech position into the 34th week which corrected with acupuncture, I had a labour inducing massage the day I gave birth and I got increased milk supply from there for post birth recovery treatment!
My biggest concern when I first went to you was tearing, which had happened on the birth of my daughter, you helped me overcome this and I used vision boards, positive affirmations etc to achieve this as you suggested.
Dr Cobb did a great job too during the birth of massaging the perineum with what seemed like buckets of oil.!! My other goal was to try and breath my baby down, but under the circumstances of the misalignment, I don't think it was realistic at that point for me.
My intact perineum, beautiful cute boy and drug free birth.. I couldn’t have asked for more!
Trisha, thank you so much for sharing your story and congratulations on your son’s beautiful birth! What a wonderful experience- It was great to hear that many of the HypnoBirthing techniques were so useful! We hope you are enjoying your time with your sweet little boy!
If you are interested in Trisha’s care providers:
Trisha, thank you so much for sharing your story and congratulations on your son’s beautiful birth! What a wonderful experience- It was great to hear that many of the HypnoBirthing techniques were so useful! We hope you are enjoying your time with your sweet little boy!
If you are interested in Trisha’s care providers:
Dr. Damon Cobb, D.O. is now located at Poway Women’s Care: (858) 618-3314
And Dr. Robert Biter, MD is located at Seaside Women’s Health: (760) 642-0800
Or in the services provided by Indigo Dragon:
If you are interested in taking HypnoBirthing classes in San Diego, please visit our website at www.AWellLivedLife.Net to learn more and to see the schedule for upcoming classes and private session information. Carol & Kelly teach classes in North County San Diego. If their schedule doesn't fit your schedule, please contact them and they will refer you to other local practitioners. If you are outside San Diego, CA, please visit & go to Find a Practitioner to find a class near you.
If you are interested in taking HypnoBirthing classes in San Diego, please visit our website at www.AWellLivedLife.Net to learn more and to see the schedule for upcoming classes and private session information. Carol & Kelly teach classes in North County San Diego. If their schedule doesn't fit your schedule, please contact them and they will refer you to other local practitioners. If you are outside San Diego, CA, please visit & go to Find a Practitioner to find a class near you.