You may have seen a story that has gone viral that shares about a sick cat and essential oils. We are so sorry to hear this cat is not doing well and also sorry for the poor woman who thought buying essential oils on Amazon was a good idea.
Essential oils are all the rage these days. Everyone is talking about them because they work! The problem is other companies have decided to market fragrance oils as essential oils. Some of the other brands may have as little as 5% actual plant based oils in the bottle while the other 95% is filler of some sort, usually synthetic solvents.
It is true that cats do lack a certain enzyme needed to metabolize some drugs and other chemicals. That is why some drugs and products labeled for use on dogs will have a warning that says “not for use on cats or kittens”.
So, this poor woman and her husband googled Eucalyptus and cats and read where some essential oils can be toxic to cats. In the cases of sickened cats and kittens where oils were involved, the oils used were not pure enough to be used on animals (or people for that matter) or weren't used properly (dilution ratios, ventilation if diffusing, etc).
Essential oils can be used safely on cats when certain guidelines are followed. As far as diffusing essential oils around cats, or most pets in general, as long as they can leave the room, then diffuse away. Most oils (citrus oils are not recommended for cats) can be used very safely around them, even topically, just in small doses.
Here's the deal:

Can you say that about those oils you bought on Amazon or at TJ Maxx? Don’t get me wrong, we love ourselves some TJ Maxx! We also love our Amazon Prime account but we do NOT buy oils from Amazon. Young Living actually has a policy that states that distributors canNOT sell on third party sites like Amazon, Ebay, etc. So, if you're getting Young Living oils off of Amazon, you're getting them from someone who isn't following the company's Policies and Procedures, which is red flag #1. 

Please educate yourself on what essential oils are and what makes them so pure before you grab some cheap oils. NEVER take any of our advice, recipes, or recommendations on the use of Young Living oils and apply that to some other brand. It just isn’t the same.
To learn more about the painstaking process Young Living goes through to provide pure essential oils we can trust, visit Seed to Seal isn’t just a marketing slogan. It is Young Living’s commitment to purity.
We hope the cat in the original post pulls through okay. She did say he was 16 years old. His symptoms may not even be related to the essential oils she bought on Amazon. It may be just old age or the candles she mentioned in the post. Either way, we never want to see an animal suffer and we can’t imagine what she’s going through.
Please use this experience to educate yourself. Know more so you can do better.
Young Living is PURE essential oil. They don’t sell fragrance oil labeled as essential oil. They don’t adulterate their oils. These two things can harm or kill a cat if you don’t know any better.
Our founder, Gary Young, is one of the biggest animal lovers we know. He’s used pure Young Living oils on his horses and dogs and many other species for a couple decades now. Most animals can benefit including rabbits, birds, snakes, chickens, goats, cows, hamsters and even fish!

And while the thought that adding a warning label on the products sounds good in theory, let's remember that we have never once seen a warning on chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions, or garlic because they're toxic to dogs, but they are. And most toxic cleaning chemicals don't have warnings on them to not allow your pets to get the cleaning products on their paws and lick them, even though those products ARE toxic to animals.
Get educated and help your fur babies out. They’ll thank you for it.
(Yes, you can use oils on all of these animals!)

(Yes, you can use oils on all of these animals!)
To learn more or to purchase oils for yourself or your animal, please visit my website at
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If you'd like to learn more about the benefits of having your own Young Living business, be sure to go to and let me know what questions you have.
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